Spring is finally here - which means Love is in the air.
Love is no longer resting near living-room fireplaces and snuggling under layers of quilted duvets. Love is with us in the arrival of the Spring air - amongst the sweet chirping of birds and the awakening of neighbourhood lawn mowers.
Even now when I think of the arrival of Spring I think of the childhood classic, Disney's Bambi. Like the colorful cartoon characters in Bambi, by Thumper's defintion, Jessica and Darryl are definately - twittterpated. Boy - I love that word.
Spring also means engagments and the planning of Summer Weddings. Spring means the planting of seeds and the all the anticipation that follows.
New beginnings and fresh starts pollinate our thoughts and our hearts as we eagerly anticipate the upcoming warmer months, with Fall and Winter merly occupying our memories.
This is my shoot with the twitterpated couple Jessica and Darryl,whose wedding I will be photography this July. We shot at the old Chilliwack City Hall and one of my favorite spots in Chilliwack, Island 22.

Thank you Jessica and Darryl for allowing me to document these moments leading up to your special day. You both made my job super easy. You are a beautiful couple who are obviously very in love. Congratulations!
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